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Training | Live Events | Digital Events | Hybrid events

Mehr als Events
Deine Plattform für
starke Communities

Bringe all deine Live-Marketing-Bereiche zusammen und erstelle
die perfekte Eventplattform.

Starte kostenlos & ohne Kreditkarte

Einladung & Gästemanagement

Invite your guests .

Von der E-Mail-Einladung, über das anpassbare Registrierformular und dein persönliches PDF-Ticket bis zur Check-In-App, für jedes Smartphone, ist alles mit an Bord. Keine Extra Programme und keine extra Software kaufen. 

Sessions, Stages & Signages

Organize your event.

Gestalte die perfekte Website mit Bereichen für Ticktes, Live-Streams, Workshops, Social Walls, uvm. und nutze ONevents für die Organisation vor Ort. Immer genau das richtige für dein aktuelles Event. 

Interaktionen & E-Mails

Stay in contact.

Halte deine Gäste am Laufenden mit Pop-Ups, Remindermails und Umfragen direkt im Event. Sprich sie persönlich an und bleibe auch nach dem Event in Kontakt. Kreiere ein aufregendes Eventerlebnis mit Spielen, Interaktionen und Networking

Analyse & Auswertungen

Use your Data..

Mit den richtigen Auswertungen kannst du dich vom Erfolg deines Events überzeugen. Es bleibt jetzt kein Geheimnis mehr was deinen Gästen gefällt und auf was man verzichten kann. Admin-Dashboards zeigen dir und deinen Kollegen immer aktuelle Infos zu deinem Event. 

For all possible Events.

Every event is different - we have just the thing for it. With various modules, exactly the right hybrid event experience is created. Whether it's digital surveys, live streams or a chat carousel, with our modular system every hybrid event will be a success. 

For all possible areas..

It doesn't matter what area you work in. Communication doesn't have to be boring and complicated.


Present your products in a beautiful setting and achieve more sales.


Newsletters, on-demand video sites and landing pages give you a clear way to organize your campaigns.


Project presentations in a suitable setting and with invited guests.

Customer support

Human Resources

Employee training can also be exciting.


Away from the boring zoom call. Towards a sustainable educational experience.

Live Marketing

Digitize the entire event and simplify workflows.


Display menus digitally and communicate promotions.

Financial services

Facilitate communication with customers through easy accessibility and data security.

At alle possible Company

It doesn't matter what area you work in. Communication doesn't have to be boring and complicated.

ONevents is the right place for you,
if you are looking for the following solutions:

We are the software for your event..

Use ONevnents and design your personal event platform. Whether product presentation, online conference, congress or live concert - with us you have the right partner. 

For all devices the perfect design

We look at all aspects of your online event. Whether someone is there on their smartphone or desktop - we design an optimal experience on every device. 

We digitalize your event.

From live stream to virtual live experience. This is exactly our strength - we map the local event as a digital event and expand it with interactive elements. New event concepts are our daily business. With us you create exactly the right platform. 

Congratulations on the organization of the meeting ! It would be nice to repeat the experience for the next events ... top!
Alessandro SPADONI EVVA - Management Italy
“Whether it’s about programming new requests or about the event itself – our contact person at ONevents is always available.”
Kathrin Freitag - Head of Conference & Sales - Finance Trainer International Ges.mbH
“We have already implemented countless online events together and really appreciate ONevents and the work of the team.”
Martin Kocijaz - Information Technology Specialist - Sparkasse Oberösterreich
Congratulations on the organization of the meeting ! It would be nice to repeat the experience for the next events ... top!
Alessandro SPADONI EVVA - Management Italy

Trust is important.

Customers who trust in us - partners we build on.

100% GDPR Compliant.

All services, data storage and transmission paths used are set up in compliance with GDPR. Checked by a lawyer and IT security. 

100% climate neutral.

Our systems are climate neutral. Emissions that cannot be avoided are offset. The life cycle of each event with ONevents is analyzed and a strategy for climate neutrality is developed. Our processes have been tested and certified by TÜV Nord. 

100% secure data.

Our systems are regularly subjected to security checks. This is the only way to ensure that data does not fall into the wrong hands. 

Free and quick registration at ONevents.
Create your first event in minutes.
Already have an account? Register with ONevents.
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