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Eine Session einrichten

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Create new session #

Multiple sessions can be created in each session bucket. After creating the session bucket, a new session is added under the Bucket Sessions menu item.

First, the owner/user of the session must be entered. He is the owner of the session.

The visibility of the session is defined as a further setting. If a session is not yet to be shown, the visibility is set to โ€œNoโ€. If the session should be visible to the guest, the selection is set to โ€œYesโ€.

Automatically hide sessions #

To ensure that it is no longer visible after the โ€œUntilโ€ time has expired, the automatic hiding function can be activated for each session. The session will then no longer be displayed in the session overview, but can still be accessed using the direct link to the session detail.

Automatically hide sessions.

In order for a session to be automatically hidden, the โ€œVisible in loopโ€ and โ€œSet not visible after endโ€ switches must be activated. The function is available in every session.

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