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Landing pages

Landing pages are perfect for creating customized landing pages for your events. Whether you want to show event information, registration forms, or the schedule, the templates are customizable and easy to use. Best of all, the pages adapt to all devices so they look good everywhere.

The tool also offers analysis functions. You can see how many people visit the site, what they click on, and how many end up signing up. This gives you important information to improve your marketing strategy.

Insgesamt ist ‚Landing Pages von ONevents‘ die perfekte Lรถsung, um dein Eventmarketing zu verbessern, Leute anzulocken und am Ende erfolgreichere Veranstaltungen zu haben.

Individuelle Designsโ€‹

In just a few clicks you can create impressive landing pages for your events with our responsive templates. No matter what event โ€“ โ€‹โ€‹suitable for every device. Easily integrate important information, registration forms and adjustments. Optimize the attractiveness of your event pages in no time!

Areas for
sponsors & speakers

With our flexible templates, you can easily add sponsor and speaker sections to your event pages. Easily present information about sponsors, partners or keynote speakers. Customizable sections let you include images, bios, and links. Create an impressive presence for your supporters and speakers and increase the attractiveness of your events in no time.

GDPR Compliant

Unser Cookie-Banner Modul hilft dir, die Anforderungen der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) mรผhelos zu erfรผllen. Mit nur wenigen Klicks kannst du auf deinen ONevents-Landing Pages einen benutzerfreundlichen und rechtskonformen Cookie-Hinweis einrichten. Besucher kรถnnen ihre Cookie-Prรคferenzen einfach verwalten, wรคhrend du sicherstellst, dass alle Datenschutzrichtlinien eingehalten werden.

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