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ONevents integrates data

Transfer large amounts of data easily and securely at every event.

Whether large power points, photo series or videos. The question often arises as to how to easily store and send large data online. With the help of the clear display, it is easy to upload new files and to keep track of existing files.

New files can be easily shared. Select and upload the files with the convenient file manager and send the automatically created link to the target person(s) via ONevents, email, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger. So easy.

This is what ONevents offers in connection with Datenü

  • Upload large files

No file is too big or too small. Even files in the gigabyte range (*) can be distributed securely and quickly with our service.

  • Full encryption

Your files are stored encrypted with your personal user key. We can't see the content either.

  • Distribute data

The communication channel to your receiver can be chosen freely. You will receive a link that can be opened in any browser.

  • Your data vault
Depending on the package, your files are kept for different lengths of time and then automatically and securely deleted. You can see who is downloading your data and when it is happening

And the best: Your data will not only be safe and GDPR Compliant saved, the entire company runs climate neutral. Without extra costs. TÜV tested

If you want to know more about the topic, don't hesitate contact us!

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