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Social Walls

Social Walls at ONevents revolutionize the way participants interact with each other and with events. This innovative feature creates a digital platform where real-time participant contributions, social media content and event updates are presented in an engaging form. The Social Wall promotes a lively community atmosphere, enables an interactive event experience and increases the visibility of events by sharing moments and experiences.

Real-time updates

The social walls show real-time contributions from participants so that what is happening at the event can be shared immediately.

Social media integration

Attendees can share their social media posts directly on the social wall, increasing the reach of the event.


Organizers can moderate and control posts to ensure that only relevant and appropriate content appears on the social wall.

Customizable appearance

 The social wall appearance is customizable to reflect the event's branding and ensure an aesthetically pleasing presentation. Upload your own watermark - this way you can properly brand all photos from the event. 

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