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Be there and shape
the digital world with us.

We are your

Mit uns gestaltest du deine persönliche Event Plattform für digitale, hybride und Vor-Ort Eventformate. 


Mit ONevents bietest du für deine Kunden die richtige Software-Plattform an. Der hohe Individualisierungsgrad ermöglicht es dir komplett auf den Kunden zugeschnittene Eventplattformen zu erstellen. 

Open positions

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Then send us your documents and we will find something for you!

Our Mission

Do you help others?
We want to help you with that!

Are you organizing non-profit events and would you like to host them online? We support you and want to help make the world a little better. 

Sustainability is a priority.

Our systems are climate-neutral. Emissions that cannot be avoided are offset. The life cycle of every event with ONevents is analyzed and a strategy for climate neutrality is developed. It's important to us that we keep doing events for a long time and that's why we take care of our planet. 

Our climate policy

"Especially in times of social distancing, it is important for us to be close to the customer. Whether held as a digital extension of the local event or as a complete virtual event, with ONevents we enable our visitors to have an attractive streaming platform for their events and at the same time protect the climate.

From 2021 we want to operate our systems in a climate-neutral manner. With accelerated digitization and increased energy requirements, however, the effects on our environment are also increasing. In a globally networked world, responsible handling of data and its impact on resource consumption is becoming increasingly important. That's why we want to analyze and optimize the life cycle of every event with ONevents. Emissions that cannot be avoided or reduced should be offset with the help of certified and socially valuable climate protection projects.

Sustainability is a personal concern for us and our employees and partners also carry our values. Our digital events connect people all over the world and together we can make a contribution to climate protection.

Dipl. Ing. Alexander Janda, MSc, BSc
CEO ONited Marketing GmbH

ONevents – “stay apart, remain ONited”

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